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Writer's pictureInnovate Rehab

Share My Ability - Western Sydney Sensory Activity Centre

Updated: Apr 2

Share My Ability is a Western Sydney sensory activity centre that provides the community with a unique and inclusive experience suitable for all ages and abilities. The activity centre creates a space for all individuals to have fun and be supported in a safe environment.

The centre is owned and operated by NADO (Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation), a registered NDIS Provider with over 40 years of experience within the disability sector.

As a Physiotherapist from Innovate Rehab, I conduct some of my sessions from Share My Ability. I would recommend this space to people who have the following conditions:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Intellectual Disabilities

  • Behavioural Disorders

  • Motor Skill Delays

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Developmental Delays

Physiotherapy sessions vary based on clients' needs and goals. At the engaging and interactive space of Share My Ability, a session with me may look like this:

  • Soft tissue mobilisation

  • Stretching

  • Obstacle Courses focusing on gross motor function and proprioception

  • Play-based activities utilising the rock climbing wall, inflatable bag jump and monkey bars

  • Sensory room: for self-regulation time and breaks

  • Colouring to improve fine motor skills

Share My Ability currently provides Allied Health Services such as Physiotherapy, Diversional Therapy and Counselling. If you are interested in these services, you can complete an enquiry form on the Share My Abilities website:

Share My Ability's equipment layout and softfall flooring have been certified and comply with Australian Standards. The Centrecentwheelchair friendly and is equipped with the following:

  • Liberty Swing

  • Inflatable Bagjump

  • Monkey bars

  • Rock climbing

  • Interactive wall games

  • Sensory room

  • Inground trampoline – wheelchair accessible

  • Monkey bars

  • Interactive projector

  • Gross Motor Function developmental toys

Working at Share My Ability as a physiotherapist has been a great experience. Integrating therapy using state-of-the-art equipment and seeing the joy in the children's faces is a highlight of my day. Something that I think works well with conducting the sessions at Share My Ability is that the kids see it more as fun and a chance to play rather than therapy time.

Some key things that stand out to me as a mum and physiotherapist about Share My Ability are:

  • Share My Ability is the only centre in Great Western Sydney who have a Wheelchair accessible trampoline.

  • The centre sensory store caters to every individual's needs.

  • Sessions are capped to promote a welcoming and calm experience.

  • Staff have allied health backgrounds, experience working with clients with a disability and are equipped to adapt to each client's needs.

  • Many support workers bring their clients to the centre for meaningful play, which is also a great way to build rapport.

  • Weekend playdates!

  • They have Coffee and food available, &

  • Private rooms are available for therapy sessions.

My time at Share My Ability is very valuable, and many would benefit from the incredible facilities that are available.

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